Have your brakes inspected today by our friendly team, so you know your family will be travelling safely.
We can fully service your whole braking system from new brake pads right through to electronic controlled braking systems. We also do trailer brakes.
The Pro Cut Brake Lathe.
We dont need to explain how important brakes are, we all know and take it very seriously hence we invested in the best brake machine on the market!
The Pro-Cut Lathe works on the vehicle, by attaching itself directly to the hub. The technology includes an automatic, electronically-controlled, gyroscope system which measures run-out in the hub and corrects for this to an accuracy of better than 0.05mm.
The Pro-Cut lathe is approved by global manufacturers including: BMW, GM, Kia, Nissan, Renault, Toyota, Chrysler, Honda, Peugeot, Rolls Royce, VW, Ferrari, Isuzu, Mazda, Porsche, Subaru, Ford, Jaguar Landrover and Mitsubishi.